...运营基础•教育市场•强调服务领先•产品功能全面化•取消年费门坎•树立领先品牌形象•塑造服务口碑•抢占第一品牌(Top of Mind)战略 2002年12月 招商银行信用卡诞生第一阶段产品功能差异化 第一阶段产品功能差异化TVC 第一阶段产品功能差异化首创刷卡累积积分...
top-of-mind awareness 就占领制高点
Top-of-mind 心中想起
Top of mind awareness 第一提及知名度
top of mind detail 提及知名度
It's the gift that keeps on giving over the long months of recovery, even when it's not top of mind.
Yes, for the Kayak Team, private sales or not, a public offering, i.e. an IPO, perhaps is much more top of mind.
Developing relationships with people working in your field, then, means that you're top of mind whenever they hear of a new opportunity.
So, keep that in mind if you're not over-the-top excited about the prospects of some of your research.
Slowly I began to forge in the depths of my mind" this is the very top of the page--" a mechanism that repressed all the dreams and desires that the Chicago streets, the newspapers, the movies were evoking in me.